Exercise Science Links
Here are the latest links from the Curtin Exercise and Sports Science scoop.it.
- Embedded sports scientists and doctors walk an ethical tightrope – The Conversation
ABC Online Embedded sports scientists and doctors walk an ethical tightrope The Conversation The Australian Crime Commission (ACC) findings about the actions of “specific coaches, sports scientists and high-performance staff” in condoning or…
- Tarred with the same brush: what do sports scientists do?
Sports scientists have taken something of a media beating over the past week following revelations of alleged widespread illegal doping across Australian professional sporting codes.
- Sports science: time for proper accreditation
Stephen Dank, the man at the centre of Essendon drug scandal has been widely quoted in the media as a sport scientist or performance scientist.
- The lesson you never got taught in school: How to learn! | Neurobonkers | Big Think
A paper published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest has evaluated ten techniques for improving learning, ranging from mnemonics to highlighting and came to some surprising conclusions. The report is quite a heavy document so…
- Designing eLearning For ipads
Find about emerging need of eLearning on iPads, learn how to get started with it as a first step towards ‘mobile learning’.
- Youth Sports: A Lesson on Coaching Styles from My Dog | Eric …
In youth sports, you have to be a good friend before you can be an effective coach. … Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel, and Move Better. Buy Now! - Revealed: What 200 calories looks like in different foods – and the results are very surprising
WiseGEEK photographed what we’ve all wondered: 200 calories worth of broccoli equals how many gummy bears?
- BMJ Group podcasts: British Journal of Sports Medicine podcast » Blog Archive » Professor Malcolm Collins on genomics in sports medicine: A role in talent identification or a role in sports injury …
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